About MY work

Joel Loblaw is a Landscape Designer / Painter dividing his time between Toronto and Meaford, Ontario. His early work was within the classic Canadian landscape tradition, but his style has quickly evolved to be an abstract interpretation of the landscape shapes and forms.

Joel’s paintings reflect his love for colour and composition and feature various materials and textures such as oil paint, burnt plywood and encaustic. Joel’s work has been featured in numerous solo art shows and exhibitions in Toronto.

My artwork is a collection of abstract oil paintings inspired by my interest in country life. My family and I recently moved from Toronto to Meaford, Ontario and it has ignited me with a new appreciation for nature and living a minimalist lifestyle. These are a few points i have tried to convey in my collection of ‘Workman’s Creek Landscapes’.

The burning of the wood canvas is symbolic for me. Not only is burning an important step in forest rejuvenation and ecology; it is also a reminder for me to keep my work fresh and to keep evolving. I am a landscape designer by trade, but when I paint, my abstract style gives me the freedom to look at landscapes from a new perspective, which is constantly re-igniting my love for nature and keeps me inspired to keep doing what i love.

-Joel Loblaw